The accepts_nested_attributes_for Un-Solution

Merry-Go-Round Why does Rails’ accepts_nested_attributes_for approach always feel so darned wrong?

My suspicion is that it feels wrong because it likely is wrong - or at least it is likely the wrong tool for the job.

An example

An accounting of a recent ride I took into the accepts_nested_attributes_for merry go round.

In order to create a Message, I have to first create the Conversation it’s a part of.

This sounds like an explicit workflow, so I’ll model it that way.

… hours later …

FFFUUU, this is too complicated! There must be an easier, more Rails-y way.

I know, Conversations can accepts_nested_attributes_for :messages. Brilliant!

… hours later …

FFFUUU, this is too complicated! There must be a simpler way.

I know, rather than shoehorning this into an overly-coupled mess I’ll model it as an explicit workflow!


Remember, easy is not the same thing as simple.

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