Git Clean: Delete Already-Merged Branches


To delete local branches which have already been merged into main:

$ git branch --merged main | grep -v "\* main" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

You can omit the main branch argument to remove local branches which have already been merged into the current HEAD:

$ git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

Breaking it down

We start by getting a list of local branches which have already been merged into the current branch (i.e. HEAD)

$ git branch --merged

* main

We then pipe that to grep to match on the "\*" character, inverting that match via -v to get all merged branches sans the current one.

$ git branch --merged | grep -v "\*"


Finally we pipe that list in to xargs so we can strip apart the input and pass it on to a new command. We use -n 1 to ensure at most one argument is taken from the input to be passed to the invocation of the new command. The resulting commands that xargs will invoke are effectively

$ git branch -d add_new_user_gravatar_links
$ git branch -d assign_unique_key_to_uploads
$ git branch -d remember_the_last_activity_per_user
$ git branch -d update_kaminari_to_thread_safe_version

Pulling it all back together, we have

$ git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

Deleted branch add_new_user_gravatar_links
Deleted branch assign_unique_key_to_uploads
Deleted branch remember_the_last_activity_per_user
Deleted branch update_kaminari_to_thread_safe_version

And there you have it. Go forth and clean up!