Posts Tagged - design

Reclaim Your Domain Model from Rails

TL,DR; When building an application using Rails, I prefer to keep all my model in app/models/. I reserve lib/ for those other things - those not-my-domain-things. I’d like to explain the what and why.

Boundaries Amongst the Fields; Deep Greens Rails has a history of co-opting names, as happened when the ActiveRecord library used the active record pattern name. A similar co-opting has happened with the MVC pattern wherein many believe Rails is an example of the MVC design pattern. In truth, it’s probably closer to MVC Model 2… but I digress.

Model View What’s-that-now?

MVC stands for Model, View, Controller. In Rails-land we know what the Controllers are. And while we don’t have Views in the way that MVC meant, we do have view-templates, and we call those our views. The Model is meant to be all the things it takes to model our problem domain. As applied to Rails, the Model seems the most misunderstood/misused of the MVC triumvirate.

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Bag of Methods Module and Grep-driven Development

Always looking for more concise ways to express ideas, I’d like to present two terms for your consideration.

BOMM |bäm| (acronym)
Bag of Methods Module
An anti-pattern for "sharing behavior" or "separating concerns" of an object. In practice such modules often contain code that is related in name or function, but lacking a cohesive purpose. See also: GDD.
GDD (initialism)
Grep-driven Development
A software development process that relies on searching full source code to find usages of methods and deduce intended behavior of a piece of code. Often caused by lack of coherent and cohesive design. See also: BOMM.

Thanks to fellow Highgroover, Andy Lindeman, for helping me to finally define these terms. Or at least, refine them.

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Sensible Testing is About Sensible Design

If you’ve not yet seen Justin Leitgeb’s GoGaRuCo talk, Sensible Testing, go check out the slides. I hope the actual talk is posted soon; I’m sure it’s more rich and full of context.

Overall I agree with most of Justin’s points. However, I get the feeling that he, like many folks, approaches testing as a method for verifying the correctness of code. As I understand the thesis, CUPID is to testing what SOLID is to design.

While I’m not opposed to laying down some names and concepts to improve the state of testing, I don’t believe testing should be the goal. It’s not about testing. I believe testing is a tool to be used in guiding your design.

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From Testing to Test-First to Test-Driven

When I started writing tests, around 2005, I was stoked just to have the tests.

When I started writing tests first, around 2006, I was excited because I was Doing The TDD.

A couple of years later I found that writing tests was getting really painful. Painful because they were so damn hard to set up, and painful because I had to wait too damn long (on the order of 10-15 minutes) for the test suite to run. I reacted to the pain by changing how I write my tests; I discovered mock objects. My tests got faster, but they were still painful.

A realization

In 2008 I was talking with Corey Haines about test pain, object-oriented design, and “listening” to the former to influence the latter. Scott Bellware also contributed much insight, forcing me to really think about what I hoped to gain from writing tests.

Those conversations help to crystallize it for me: the root cause of the pain was not the tests, but the design of the code under test. I had been doing test-first development, not test-driven design.

In the years since I’ve honed my technique for driving design by listening to tests and I continue to seek out the ideas and experiences of others.

The Ruby and Rails communities have accelerated this path for many. I would say it’s not uncommon for new folks to get started where I was in 2005 or 2006. What’s more exciting is the growing numbers who are starting to feel some pain in how they test. The next step is to become more aware of that pain; lower your pain threshold, and then make it stop hurting.

It’s a journey

It was by no means an overnight endeavour. It literally took years of work for me to figure this out, and I’m I’m still learning. I hope by putting my experience out there, yours can be better, faster, MOAR!

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Reading Code is Key to Writing Good Code

As humans we seem to have an innate desire for structure in our lives. Structure permeates through our societies; it’s found within our families, education systems, governments, etc. I suppose it’s no surprise then that we also seek to force structure upon the work that we, as software developers, do.

The problem is the work we do isn’t structured. It is not deterministic. There is no grand blue print, process, nor methodology that we can follow to pay dirt.

We live in a chaotic and complex world that is itself continuously changing and adapting.

Software product development is a creative activity taking place in the midst of that complex and adaptive world. So doesn’t it make sense that we, as software developers, might benefit from admitting that we are indeed doing creative, unstructured, adaptive work? I sure think so!

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Prefer Dependency Injection to Service Location

There is currently a thread running over in the StructureMap Users mailing list asking if we really need constructor injection when using an Inversion of Control container. Before any one rips off on a rant let me say that I worked with Jon in my former life and I’m fairly certain he’s merely conducting a thought experiment, trying to sure up his own beliefs. A worthwhile exercise, if you ask me.

At any rate, I have a few points I wanted to throw out there; most of them basic and mere reiterations of the words of others, but I’m gong to do it anyhow!

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Toward a Better Use of Context/Specification

If you’ve hand-rolled your own Context/Specification apparatus to support your test spec-first lifestyle, you’ve likely got a base class that looks something like the following:

public abstract class concerns
  public virtual void setup_context()

  protected virtual void context() {}

  protected virtual void decontext() {}

  public virtual void cleanup_context()

The above is co-opting an existing unit testing tool into something more language-oriented and behavior focused. In this case we’ve built upon MbUnit, adding a couple of hook methods that are responsible for

  1. setting up the context before an individual specification - context
  2. optionally doing any necessary teardown after each specification – decontext

An example

Using this base class, we’ll end up with specs that might looks something like

using Skynet.Core

public class when_initializing_core_module : concerns
  SkynetCoreModule _core;

  public void context()
    //we'll stub know...just in case
    var skynetController = stub<ISkynetMasterController>();
    _core = new SkynetCoreModule(skynetController);

  public void it_should_not_become_self_aware()
    _core.should_not_have_received_the_call(x => x.InitializeAutonomousExecutionMode());

  public void it_should_default_to_human_friendly_mode()

  // more specifications under this same context
  // ...

Here we’ve set up a common context that holds true for each of specifications that follow it. This is also a common pattern used in classic unit testing and in fixture-per-class style Test-driven Development. In fact, the only real between the above and what I’d have done in fixture-per-class style TDD is the_use_of_underscores, intention revealing names, and the context hook method.

Is that really any different?

These modest cosmetics are not what differentiate Context/Specification from other styles of test-first development. For me, the real difference is the realization that there are often many contexts under which a particular behavior my be exercised, each producing an observable and possibly different set of results.

With Context/Specification we’ll often have many fixtures per class/feature/functional area of the code base. Doing this allows us to keep the context as simple as possible and focused on the behavior being specified. I’ve found that I tend to have a single file-per-class/functional area, with any number of contexts (fixtures) in each file.

Another big distinction is that specifications should be side effect free. A specification is an observation about the interactions that occurred or the state of the system after some behavior has been exercised.

Make it explicit!

We want small, focused contexts, yes? And we want side effect free specifications too, yes? So why not leverage our tools to help guide us in that direction? YES!

Consider the following tweak to the concerns base class

public abstract class concerns
  public virtual void setup_context()

  protected virtual void context() {}

  protected virtual void decontext() {}

  public virtual void cleanup_context()

Such a base class will only set up each context once, no matter how many specifications are made against the context. This does a couple of things for us

  • requires side effect free specifications
  • guides us toward smaller, more focused contexts
  • might actually make our specs run faster!

As for the running faster bit, that is not guaranteed as it really depends on how you were writing your specs before making this change.

Some things to watch for

If, however, you were following more of a fixture-per-class style, you might find a drastic reduction in how long it takes your spec suite to run. The corollary is, of course, that you likely don’t have small contexts. That is trouble and is often an indicator that the one, large context is itching to be split out into two or more discrete contexts.

Upon switching your base class over to this more rigid Context/Specification pattern, you might also find that you have some – or many – broken specs. This is an indicator that those broken specs were not side effect free. Well, actually its suggesting that some of the sibling specs weren’t side effect free and they are now causing other specs to break.


The portions of this article relating to changing from a standard context set up to a once-per-fixture style apply to most of the hand-rolled Context/Specification base classes I’ve seen in the wild.

If, however, you are using a tool like MSpec, then you’re in good shape as Aaron applied this same philosophy out of the gate. And if you’re not using MSpec, I’d encourage you to take a look at it for inspiration, if nothing else.

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