A Sketch of our Ideation Pipeline

Initial sketch of our Ideation Pipeline This is an initial sketch of an Ideation Pipeline my team will be using to help drive the direction of a product we’re working on. The sketch is based on a discussion we had about how we currently get from an idea to delivering on that idea, and how we’d like to do that going forward.

While we probably should have done a full on Value Stream Map, we didn’t. And the only excuse I have is that we’re kicking this product off so there isn’t really a set way we do things… not yet anyhow.

At any rate, later today I’ll be turning this loose sketch into a physical Kanban board that we’ll used to track and pull ideas through our ideation process, and feed the resulting features into our development process.

But first, I want to explain how the whole thing will work, or at least how we’re going to start – I’m sure we’ll tweak some things, and change out whole parts of this process as we go along. Let’s get started.

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How To Ctrl Alt Del In Remote Desktop

I’m a fan of Microsoft’s Remote Desktop; it’s built into Windows and allows me to quickly and easily administer a remote box from the comfort of my own work station. I use it at my house to administer the headless servers on my home network, the Subtext build server, and the co-located VelocIT servers.

Gotta’ love that magic!

Today a co-worker asked me how to send the infamous Control + Alt + Delete keystroke combination to a machine he was working on via RDP. This is a pretty common keystroke to use when trying administer windows… it does have uses other than just killing the box.

Ctrl + Alt + Del in Virtual PC

With Virtual PC there is menu item to send the keystrokes on to the virtual box. Go to the Action menu and select the Ctrl + Alt + Del option.

And with Remote Desktop?

The only keyboard you'll ever need

Well it’s not quite as obvious. Actually it’s not an obvious solution at all… It might not even be documented!?

For the record, since I already knew the answer I decided to be lazy and didn’t bother to search the tubes for any official documentation.

To send the Ctrl + Alt + Del keystroke combination via RDP you actually need to use…

Ctrl + Alt + End

Hmm… that sure is intuitive!